2013年2月25日 星期一

上網還用教?10 個不學就會誤你一生的網路知識

據數位教學中心(Center for Digital Education)的統計,過去兩年,美國花了約 $2,000 億美金在技術成本和升級教學器材上面,而這個數字持續在增長。舉凡像是電子白板、投影機、電腦和 iPad 等教學輔助器材都屢見不鮮,但於此同時,學校應該教育學生該怎麼正確使用這些工具的基本知識。

Scott Steinberg(TechSavvy Global CEO,專業專題演講者)提出了以下 10 點:
1. 網路禮儀:

2. 個人隱私和安全:

3. 資料會永久存在:

4. 網路社群:

5. 文字和通訊基礎:

6. 科技並非唯一:

7. 科技成癮的危險:

8. 危機處理(當做錯事時該怎麼處理):

9. 科技應用在教學工具上,並非單就是教學工具:

10. 體會科技的價值:
孩子們才剛開始體驗到科技對他們帶來的影響,這在未來也會繼續影響他們的生活。不管在家、在學校都該及早教育孩子關於科技的好處及潛在風險,讓孩子更有可能體會到科技的價值,並成為負責任的科技公民。科技教育應該從多早的時候就開始?Scott Steinberg 認為,越早越好,最好是從幼稚園就開始引進,並培養上述 10 項重點。

(資料來源: Huffington Post;圖片來源:Cayusa, CC Licensed)

2013年2月22日 星期五

TEDEd:Network theory - Marc Samet

From social media to massive financial institutions, we live within a web of networks. But how do they work? How does Googling a single word provide millions of results? Marc Samet investigates how these networks keep us connected and how they remain "alive."

2013年2月21日 星期四

成功的Apps:Candy Crush

AM730頭條:Candy Crush潮捲全港 全球1周500萬人齊齊玩 (2013年02月21日)

【am730訊】「Help Me」今日有人問你「攞命」未?一款在Facebook爆紅的網絡遊戲Candy Crush Saga,熱潮式席捲全球及香港,過去一周全球活躍用戶達500萬人。玩家為求過關及免費延續遊戲生命,隨時要「ASK」(問)親朋好友「攞命」。香港玩家不分男女老幼亦不乏政經名人,「瘋狂」向朋友求救,有人每日狂收50個「攞命」請求,更有人險鬧婚變。有資訊科技專家指,遊戲成功在於能在不同的電子平台進行;有家庭治療專家則指,遊戲讓玩家與其他人作虛擬互動,或令人逃避真實社交生活。

Candy Crush Saga(下稱Candy Crush)由英國網絡遊戲公司King.com研發,於去年4月面世,遊戲基本玩法跟一般「寶石方塊」類遊戲差別不大,玩家只要將3粒或以上相同的糖果連成一線便能「擦除」及取分,遊戲已推出逾300個關卡,而且還持續增加中。而該遊戲最大特點是與社交網站Facebook(FB)連結,遊戲本身設定每半小時給予玩家「1條命」(一個心型,代表一次遊戲機會),若輸清所持的「生命」後,除可等半小時和付款「買心」外,玩家亦可向FB上的朋友「攞命」,此外,部分關卡還必須3名朋友「俾飛(ticket)」才能過關繼續遊戲。玩家更可看到朋友的打機進度,變成朋友圈中,互相較勁的社交遊戲。
根據統計網站App Data最新數據顯示,Candy Crush Saga過去一周全球活躍用戶達500萬人,近日亦高踞Google Play及App Store熱門免費遊戲榜中第一位,超越Farm Ville 2及Temple Run等大熱遊戲。King.com首席營運總裁Alex Dale早前接受訪問時稱,Candy Crush成功之處在於「社交互動的設計」,令朋友間充滿話題。他認為,Candy Crush簡單易玩的特點,有助吸引女性及甚少打機人士。
已暫「打爆機」的Candy Crush玩家、香港資訊科技商會會長方保僑表示,港人玩Candy Crush「都幾瘋狂」,見過商界名人開會時玩,甚至電台節目主持蘇絲黃都在節目廣告時段玩。他認為遊戲本身並不新鮮,但它結合社交媒體,讓玩家「互相拯救」,增加話題,加上每關形態不同和介面得意,故比傳統同類遊戲Bejeweled(鑽石情迷)更吸引。他續指,Candy Crush「紅爆」程度超越同樣結合社交媒體的Angry Bird和FarmVille,原因是它將FB、平板電腦和智能手機版本,連繫得更緊密,讓玩家在任何版本,甚至任何場合都可以繼續遊戲。他相信,有不少玩家會花錢「買命」和幫助過關的小工具,遊戲背後的商業收益可以是天文數字。
熟悉社交媒體行銷的資深廣告人梁志成形容,Candy Crush具備社交媒體遊戲「公式」,即「好似層壓式推銷,搵好多人一齊玩就可以快啲升呢」,但另一方面,Candy Crush特別著重「搵朋友(攞命)」,非玩家會覺得討厭。他說,有朋友的丈夫同時以自己及她的FB戶口玩Candy Crush,令她的戶口經常收到「攞命」通知,最後這位朋友不勝其煩,在Facebook發出嚴正聲明,澄清自己不是玩家,叫大家不要再向她「攞命」。梁笑說:「再搞落去可能真係婚變呀!」一些無興趣玩此遊戲的網民亦指,排山倒海的「送命」請求,儼如垃圾電郵般厭惡。
本身亦有玩Candy Crush的觸動輔導中心家庭治療總監程翠雲指,遊戲本身需要玩家與其他人在網絡互動,或令玩家藉此逃避真實社交生活,轉投虛擬世界。她又指,遊戲在剛過去的農曆新年大熱,或多或少反映年輕人,不欲應對親友等涉及私隱的話題,「好似又俾姨媽姑姐問幾時拍拖嗰啲,咁不如講吓大家隻game去到幾多關」。她指,遊戲本身不涉及暴力,相信對年輕人影響有限。
不是所有Candy Crush玩家都只盲目為過關,有網民Stanley早前便從遊戲悟出人生道理,於網上發表了「Candy Crush Saga 的人生哲學」,包括「不是每個人都會把心送給你,但當你先送人一顆,總有人會回應」,及「失敗時總有很多引誘,很多捷徑,堅持住,咬緊牙關撐過去」等,獲逾4,000多名網民支持和轉載。


2013年2月6日 星期三

Education 2.0

Education 2.0

Bill envisions better teaching methods and new education technologies that will revolutionize the classroom and encourage lifelong learning.
Growing up, I was fortunate to have teachers who encouraged their students to explore areas of learning they were curious about. Having the freedom to try things out allowed me to develop a passion for computing—which eventually led me and a fellow student, Paul Allen, to start Microsoft.
Being lucky enough to have great teachers also nurtured a love of learning that has stayed with me ever since. As I told school leaders recently at the annual conference of the National Association of Independent Schools, my own experience in school is one of the reasons I’m so passionate about the work our foundation is doing in education.
I believe a lot of good teachers could become truly great teachers if we can get better at identifying and measuring effective teaching, investing in helping teachers improve, and rewarding excellence.
I also believe technology can help teachers be more effective and make learning more interesting.
When done right, the results are promising. One indicator is how many K-12 students are enrolled in at least one online class. The number increased from 45,000 students in 2000 to 3 million in 2009. Another is a recent U.S. Department of Education study showing that “blended learning”—a combination of online learning and classroom teaching—increases student outcomes by 14 percent. These are early numbers and more research is needed, but these are encouraging signs.
It’s exciting to see the growing number of entrepreneurs developing online learning systems in areas like mobile learning applications and e-books and the ways teachers are using a blended learning approach in their classrooms.
There are four key trends in online learning. The first is creating more engaging and interactive ways of learning than the traditional textbook. Another is using the Internet to post and find great teacher lectures and effective course materials. The use of social networks is also a growing influence, with the potential to increase collaboration among and between teachers and students and extend class discussions beyond the classroom. We’re also seeing new kinds of personalizing learning—using gameplay and other tools –that give students and teachers important real-time feedback.
But finding the right resources and figuring out how to use them is more difficult today than it should be. The foundation will be developing an online service that will help educators more easily discover and learn how to use these new tools.
There really is no limit to what teachers can do if they have the right resources. A decade from now, finding and using the best content and technology will be as natural as opening a book. Tablets and high-speed Internet access will be ubiquitous. Each student will have a learning map that helps chart their interests and learning path inside and outside the classroom. And the concept of the textbook will fade—replaced by easy online access to the best lectures and course materials available. 
Quote from http://www.thegatesnotes.com/Topics/Education/Education-2



以下有些eLearning Infographics插圖例子,大家不仿看看。

2013年2月4日 星期一

Live augmented reality with Kinect

TED released this video yesterday and it’s circulating widely on the web today. It shows Marco Tempest employing a Kinect sensor to deliver a live augmented reality presentation and it’s pretty dazzling stuff. It’s not immediately clear from the video what is going on but some photos from the TED blog help to explain – Marco is presenting on the TED stage and the AR tricks are projected on a screen behind him.

Creative Applications Network has much more detail on how the performance was created including details of “global magic dust”.

I’m still getting my head around…hit play and enjoy and then watch the video below to see the magic behind the magic.